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Request an Early Access download

Use this form to request a temporary evaluation license and download of Early Access versions of KavaChart products.

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Tell us a little about your project, and which early-access product you require:
Early Access products currently available:

KavaChart SWT: a version of KavaChart's core charting library specifically designed for use with the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit. Perfect for Eclipse plug-in developers, or developers interested in creating SWT-based desktop applications.

KavaChart PHP: an efficient and easy-to-use PHP class that lets you use KavaChart ProServe from PHP without any Java coding. Designed for PHP based web applications that need to generate bar charts, line charts, pie charts, or just about any other chart from dynamic PHP information.

KavaChart in action


Chart Gallery
Charts that communicate.

Chart Gallery

Chart Wizard
Create "plug 'n' play" charts

Chart Wizard