KavaChart in Action - Examples and Documentation - AlaCarte

[ Back ] Specialty Applet Collection - Hi-Lo Bar & Column Charts

Bar charts are ideal for comparing categories or discrete events against a common scale. In KavaChart, bar charts with vertical bars are called "column" charts, while those with horizontal bars are called "bar" charts.

Bar charts are particularly good at highlighting the differences between items. If you need to show trends, a line chart or area chart variant might be a better choice.

The KavaChart AlaCarte Specialty collection includes 2 bar type charts:

  • com.ve.kavachart.applet.hiLoBarApp
  • com.ve.kavachart.applet.hHiLoBarApp

Use the source code to this page as a guide in creating your own bar charts. You can also use the KavaChart ChartWizard to design your own bar charts.

This bar chart variant is the high low bar. These charts are particularly useful for comparing items that have two values, typically a high and a low. This chart is available for either vertical or horizontal bars.

For examples of open-high-low-close, candlestick, and other finance oriented high low bar charts, see our finance chart examples. See the gantt chart examples for a specific approach to time oriented horizontal high-low charting.

This chart type uses Y and Y2 values. Y2 values are interpreted as the difference between the high and low value. Like all other KavaChart applets, data parameters can be generated dynamically or you can use this applet to read dynamic data from a URL.